Melsmon placenta Injection is an in-placenta injection used by Melsmon Japan for over 50 years after the Japanese Welfare Ministry approved its use in 1956. Melsmon Korea Corp. imports the original end products manufactured in Japan. No profound side effect has been reported during its service in the past 50 years in Japan.
The placenta is an organ which weighs 500g, has a diameter of 15~20 cm, and a thickness of 2~3 cm located at the connecting point of the amnion, which wraps the fetus during pregnancy and the uterus. It contains dozens of amino acids, including essential amino acids and diverse, active peptides, vitamins, sugars, hexane, minerals, and enzymes, at the centre of pharmacologic activity.
mucopolysaccharides (feeding of the organism);
glycosaminoglycan (increased elasticity of dermis);
vitamins (normal metabolism);
cytokines (cellular metabolism);
minerals – zinc, magnesium, iron, selenium, copper (synthesis of hormones and haemoglobin);
nucleic acids (hardening of the tissue);
organic acids (increase elasticity of the skin and tissue);
amino acids (rejuvenation and skin bleaching);
Features of the drug:
• has a certificate of compliance with the Good manufacturing practice (GMP) issued by the Japanese Ministry of Safety Control in the area of medicine;
• does not contain stem cells;
• does not contain hormones and macromolecular peptide complexes;
• could be used in combination with other drugs and biologically active additives
• does not act as a nutrient for cancer cells.
It is successfully used for the following conditions:
Anti-aging Melsmon-course
• Extends the productive age of women and men, delaying the onset of menopause;
• Minimizes effects of chronic endometritis as a cause of infertility, failed IVF, miscarriage and climacteric syndrome;
• Reduces the risk of age-associated diseases;
• Normalizes phases of sleep, eliminates anxiety and fear, improves mood;
• Harmonizes sex life, increases the production of “pheromones”, eliminates “senile smell”;
• Restores density and turgor of skin, evens out face colour, reduces the severity of wrinkles, accelerates healing of damaged skin;
• Treats chronic fatigue syndrome.
• Activation of tissue respiration and antioxidant protection of cells;
• Detoxification and physiological activation of regenerative processes in the body;
• Regulation of hypothalamus pituitary interactions, functional autonomic nervous system activity.
Cosmetic Melsmon-course
• Acceleration of healing of damaged skin;
• Normalization of pigment formation, whitening effect;
• Increase of elasticity, density and skin turgor;
• Lifting and reduction of wrinkle severity;
• Elimination of scars, treatment of acne and post-acne vascular pathologies.
• Regulation of neocollagenesis;
• Activates metabolism and regeneration of skin cells;
• Restores synthetic activity of fibroblasts;
• Provides antioxidant protection for the skin cells and detoxification;
• Restores the tropism of the epidermis and dermis cells, causing reinnervation and revascularization.
• Increases local immunity and eliminates inflammation.
Rehabilitation Melsmon course
• Reduces recovery time after surgery 2-3 times.
• Stimulates tissue regeneration;
• Increases activity of cell and tissue respiration by 5-7 times;
• Positively influences metabolism in the cells;
• Has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.
In conjunction with placental therapy, we recommend supplements for men and women.
Product for professional use only.
By purchasing, you declare you are a doctor or cosmetologist trained in aesthetic medicine.
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